#subliminalbo's ls
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Lacey's Story Part 4
Originally published Oct 14, 2015 This series is being revised
Brad met Samantha in his freshman year, Intro to Psych. Though he didn't deny Sam her beauty, Brad was too stuck on the dream of a future with Lacey to notice her interest. But Brad's feelings for Lacey didn't stop him from developing a close friendship with Sam. She was another strong personality, the kind that Brad so often fell for, but she wasn't as ruthless as Lacey. Sam had a kind and gentle heart, always putting the concerns of others in front of herself. Maybe that was why Brad chose to tell Sam the truth.
He caught up with her as she was heading to her statistics class.
"Did you...enjoy it?" Sam asked after Brad explained the events of his evening. There was some suspicion in her voice; though Sam was a sweetheart, she wasn't above jealousy. She knew how much Lacey mattered to her boyfriend, and it was hard to sympathize with the woman she'd passively despised since meeting Brad.
"Of course not, Sam! That's not even the issue, she's not in her right mind and she needed my help. I didn't know what else to do but...keep her safe, until I find some kind of solution."
Samantha bit down on her lip, pushing whatever resentment she had buried back down into its hole. Brad was right: Lacey wasn't even the same girl he'd been so crazy about before, she was another victim of the Victoria's Secret mind control machine. Sam was a member of an anti-obedience group on campus, speaking out against the evils of mind control. The group was hard to maintain as the members mysteriously turned one by one, but that's probably a story I'll write in the future. I literally just thought of that, shit, I love it. Anyway, Sam was always looking for a cause to support, and lately her cause was Victoria's Secret. It was scary to think that a personality as implacable as Lacey's could be bent to someone else's will. Sam liked to figure that she would be strong enough to endure the power of Obedience by Victoria, but deep down she knew that if Lacey couldn't, no one could.
"You're right," Sam sighed. "I'm sorry, Brad, it's just Lacey..." "I understand," Brad whispered. "Lacey was a big part of my life, and in a way she still is...but she's not that part of my life anymore. There's only you, Samantha." This made her smile. He couldn't resist kissing her. "You know I love you, right?" "Of course. You know I love you?" "You don't even have to say it," Sam's face was flushing. "The lingerie is supposed to be addictive, her mind should clear up if she takes it off, but no one under its power does for long. Tonight I'll do some research, I'll see if there's any way to counter the effects of the lingerie." Brad was the one smiling now. He knew it must be hard for Sam to even consider helping Lacey. "I'll keep her busy at my apartment until you find something." "Just don't...please don't keep her that busy," "I meant cleaning and stuff, she wants to be ordered around, it doesn't have to be...sexual. I only want you, Sam." "I know," she tried to smile. "Maybe order her to put on some clothes?"
After that they kissed again, and Sam hurried away to her class. Brad released a long sigh of relief. It took a lot to tell Sam the truth about the brainwashed girl in his apartment, but he felt better afterward. They didn't have secrets in their relationship.
That evening as Brad left work, he checked his messages to see that Sam had gotten home safely. She was going to take a shower and curl up in bed with her laptop. Normally she'd binge watch Netflix to sleep, but she seemed excited to actually have something to do. Nothing got Sam more energized than her pet causes. He loved that about her. She left him with a racy bathroom snap which he promptly screencapped, and then replied, "Wish I were there ;-)" For a moment, everything felt normal, but he was quickly dragged back to reality when he reached his apartment.
"Lacey?" he called as he stepped inside. "Lacey?" There was no response. Brad moved to his bedroom, but found no sign of the girl he had left there in the morning. His heart was beginning to pound. He had ordered her to stay, how could she leave? Where would she go? Lacey was in no state to be wandering around. He went back to his phone, it had been over an hour since Sam's shower text. He frantically wrote, "Can't find Lacey, can you get here?"
Seconds passed, but Brad was too impatient to wait for her response. He dialed her number. The dial tone began to ring. Once. Twice. And a half of a third time before Sam answered. "Sam," Brad spoke frantically. "Lacey's run off, I have no clue where to--" "Don't worry, master," Brad's heart sank at the sound of Lacey's voice on his girlfriend's phone. "I'm at Samantha's." "Lacey," Brad breathed. "Lacey, please tell me Sam is okay. Tell me you left her alone." Lacey's giggle sent a chill down Brad's spine. "She's fine, I've just been teaching her." "What? Teaching her what?!" "Don't be silly, master! I've been teaching her how to be a good slave!"
Brad's breathing was growing heavier on the other end. "Stay there, Lacey. That's an order. I order you to stay there. I'm coming over."When he hung up, Lacey lazily dropped the phone and turned to face the newly submissive Samantha waiting for orders on her bed. "Master is coming over, Samantha. I want you to be ready for him when he gets here." "Yes, Mistress Lacey," Samantha spoke quietly. "I will obey."
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Lacey's Story: A New Mistress
Originally published Sep 22, 2017
It was only a year ago that Lacey Stafford was another Carpenter State thrall, her mind suppressed by the power of Obedience lingerie, eagerly awaiting the command of her master, the late Professor Lange. Now the school was her first of many conquests, the start of the Stafford Empire. She began with her professors, the ones who had tried to fail her during her mindless sabbatical with Dr. Lange. A few meetings with them and Lacey managed to change their minds about her grades, turning F's into A's and, with the help of some eager nerds, amending her attendance records in the school's database. After cleaning up that mess, Lacey figured that she had all of the tools she needed to make a run at student body president, and that was when things really took off. Lacey wasn't a known face around campus, but her name took off like wildfire. She attracted crowds like a local politician, hordes of adoring students lining up to campaign for her. Carpenter State had never seen an election draw so much interest from the student body, but it had also never had a student politician like Lacey.
For a while, Lacey had an enemy in Corbin Arroyo. Carpenter State's popular social justice blogger was the only student willing to question what Lacey really stood for, but even Corbin began to waver after attending a few of Lacey's rallies. Two weeks after her first article, Who Is Really Is Lacey Stafford? Corbin published a full interview with Lacey, glowingly endorsing her campaign. Lacey won the election in a landslide. Some days Lacey felt like she should be thankful, but then again, who did she have to thank but herself?
Shortly after the election, Corbin was offered an hour to do an early morning show on student radio. Lacey became a regular guest of the Carpentergate Watchdog Hour. It was never the dry stuff that people expect from student politicians on public radio. Y'know, droning out details about upcoming events and their desperate need for volunteers. Lacey had a personality, and a really good rapport with Corbin. The show gave her an opportunity to spread her message to more students, and suddenly campus events had too many volunteers.
"So what can you tell me about Mayor Carpenter?" Corbin asked Lacey during a recording. "We have a very special relationship. Mina's been a real mentor to me," Lacey said. "I look at her and I see the woman that I want to be. Strong, compassionate, unwavering. She was the first person who suggested that I run for president, you know." "Wow," Corbin replied. "That's quite an endorsement." "I know, at first I didn't think it was possible but she kept encouraging me and finally I worked up the nerve and it's been like living in a dream ever since."
When their conversation wrapped, Corbin cut to music and as she removed her headphones for a break, Lacey whispered in her ear, "I want you naked on the floor of this soundbooth right now." Corbin shivered, and she whispered back, "Yes, Mistress. I will obey."
Lacey found that most people she encountered these days were as agreeable as Corbin, though not as totally brainwashed. It was a lot like a Jedi mind trick. She could plant thoughts in peoples minds, make them think they were their own, but it took serious conditioning to get Corbin naked and calling her Mistress. Every day Lacey found a new and even more petty way to abuse her gift, whether it was talking down the price of a desk on Craigslist or getting a free cup of coffee at Starbucks. To her it was just another life hack, like reusing butter containers as Tupperware, except with more mind control.
So how did she do it? What kind of mind control was Lacey using to keep all of campus under her spell? She had started with old fashioned hypnotism, moving up to the same mind controlling lingerie that kept her under Dr. Lange's thrall. That was enough to save her GPA, but it wasn't until a surprise email from a prominent figure that the ball really began to roll: Mina Carpenter, the mayor of Romero and great granddaughter of Alabaster Carpenter IV, founder of Carpenter State University.
"A very special relationship?" Mina echoed when Lacey took a seat in her personal office. Trips to the Carpenter Mansion had become regular since Mina first reached out. Lacey blushed. "I didn't know you listened to public radio." "I stay informed," Mina said with a sly smile. "If you get too cheeky people may start to suspect something." "Let them," Lacey shrugged. "Corbin was the wokest person on campus and even she wasn't immune to my power. I'll break anyone who challenges me."
Mina's smile widened. "Those are the best slaves," she said. "The Corbin Arroyos of the world, the righteous ones. Some minds bend, but theirs break." "You scare me sometimes," Lacey replied.
Mina laughed coolly and slid out of her seat, pacing to the other side of the desk and settling behind Lacey. The woman's presence sent a shiver down Lacey's spine. "I have to be honest, Lacey, I'm concerned that you've forgotten the purpose of your gift."
Lacey stiffened in her chair. "What do you mean?" she asked. Mina brushed a cold finger down Lacey's neck and the tense girl loosened at the woman's touch. Then Mina asked, "Who do you serve?" "You," Lacey replied quietly, submissively. "Miss...tress..." The last word came out tortured, like some part of Lacey was trying to fight Mina's control. "Your power of persuasion is a parlor trick compared to what I can do," Mina warned. "The students of Carpenter State may answer to you, but you answer to me. Do you understand?" "Yes, Mistress," Lacey droned. "Your strength is infinite, your gift a blessing. Thank you for humbling me with your power."
Mina was content, and she excused Lacey. The young girl obeyed, walking silently through the mansion, her mind empty until she crossed the threshold. She collapsed there in front of the mansion doors. Lacey's heart beat heavy in her chest as she struggled to collect her breath. Lacey knew when Mina gave her the gift that she would pay a price, but she didn't know yet what that price was. But she knew that eventually Mina would come to collect, and Lacey would be powerless to stop her.
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Lacey's Story: An Epilogue
Originally published Jun 6, 2016 This series is being revised
"Oh Brad..." Sam mumbled in a weakened voice. Her head was pounding, her body was aching, and there was a terrible taste in her mouth. "S-Sam?" Brad echoed, too scared to open his eyes and risk the blinding light of the outside world. He'd never had a hangover quite as bad as this one. "I can't remember anything..." Sam whined. "Jesus Christ, Sam, it's Wednesday!" Brad jumped out of bed, ready to rush to work, but his legs wouldn't cooperate and he collapsed on the floor. "Oh Goooood!" he cried. "Why did we drink so much?!" "Did we even go to class?" "I hope not," Brad replied.
A three day binder. Brad had heard somewhere that healthy couples were always willing to try new things, but that usually didn't mean a three day, sex-fueled binder. When Brad managed to drag his body to the phone, he called work, hoping that he could fix any damage his absence may have caused, but a guardian angel had already smoothed things over at Brad and Sam's jobs. Both their bosses and professors were eerily understanding in the matter. "Every college student must let loose from time to time." Lacey had been busy.
Things, more or less, returned to normal for Sam and Brad after that. They decided to accept their blacked out weekend as a terrible, fun mistake, and were comfortable never talking about it again. They went back to their jobs and their classes, continued dating like they always had before with no recollection of what Lacey had done to them.
But for Sam, something had changed. She first noticed it the Monday after the incident when she attended her weekly Students Against Obedience meeting. That week they were introducing a new member, a young freshman who named Emily who had experienced what it was like being under the control of the lingerie. Like Sam, most of the girls in the group had never worn Obedience by Victoria, so it was a new experience to hear first-hand what it was like. Becca, the president of the club, spoke to their new member softly. "Emily," she said. "I understand if you're not ready, but we can't help the hundreds of girls being subjugated by this clothing if we don't know what we're dealing with. Please, if you're ready, we want to hear your story."
Emily nodded. "It's okay," she said. "I want to talk about it. It was pledge week and...it was part of my initiation. All the pledges were given a pair of lingerie as their own. The girls stood around us in a circle as we took off our clothes, and one by one we fell into a trance as we slipped on the bras," Sam was on the edge of her seat as Emily recalled the week her sorority used her as their mindless slave. "I knew what I was doing, but I was powerless to stop myself. I didn't want to stop myself, not while I was wearing it. They gave me orders and...and when I followed them it felt so good..."
"Excuse me," Sam raised her hand. "I just...I have to use the bathroom...but go on, Emily. I'll be back."
Samantha was panting by the time she slipped out of the meeting. Her nipples were hard, her pants were soaked. For six months she'd been working with the group to set up a safe haven for victims like Emily...but now. What was it? What had changed? Why did the thought of Emily being completely mindless make her so aroused? "Stop," she whispered to herself as she squeezed her breasts. "Oh god...so fucking horny..."
"Just give in..."
The mantra from the video echoed in her head. She couldn't remember watching it, wasn't sure where the words had even come from. But they sounded like the truth. Samantha wanted so badly to be like Emily, to have a master order her around. But she'd made a pledge to girls to Students Against Obedience, and nothing would make her go back on her word.
That night, Samantha dreamed of Lacey. She dreamed that she was Lacey's mindless pet, eager to follow any orders that were given to her. It felt better than Sam could have ever imagined, being a slave. When she woke up, she masturbated to the thought of her mistress Lacey. Sam hardly knew her, but there was something about the dream that felt too real. The dream lingered in her mind, and that afternoon she broke. After work, she found herself passing by Victoria's Secret in the mall. She slipped into the store with her head held low, trying to keep a small profile in case any of the girls from her group were around.
"It feels amazing," she heard the girl at the register say to a customer. "You'll love every second of it."
What was Samantha doing here? Was she really going to give in and try a pair of Obedience for herself? No! She'd taken the pledge! In a huff, Sam turned around to leave the store but found herself face-to-face with an old romantic rival.
"Samantha Baldwin?" Lacey said. "La-Lacey...I'm sorry, I don't remember your last name..." Stanford? Samantha was having dreams about this woman but she'd never even had a genuine conversation with her.
Lacey gave a naughty smile as she said, "Buying something sexy for Brad?" Samantha's eyes dropped to the floor. It was hard to look at Lacey after her dream. "I was thinking about it..." "I'm here for someone too," Lacey said. "Well, I guess you could say it's a project for a class." "That sounds interesting," Sam replied meekly. "I was actually going to leave though, so..." "Nonsense!" Lacey smacked Sam playfully on the shoulder. "Let me help you out."
When Brad returned home that evening, he found Sam waiting for him in her underwear and a new state of mind. "Brad," she said. "Does my body please you?"
He nodded. "Y-Yes..." A rush of ecstasy greeted Samantha with Brad's response. "Thank you," she said. "My body belongs to you, Brad. Please use me. Please command me. I live to obey you." "Okay," Brad said quietly, a little shocked at the sight of his girlfriend sitting submissively on his couch. But it wasn't a sight that troubled him. Something in Brad had changed that weekend too. Lacey had awoken something inside of his unadventurous nice-guy persona. He wanted Sam like this, at least for now. With no more reluctance, Brad unzipped his pants and gave Samantha her first command.
Across campus, Lacey was busy getting to know her own slave. Her run-in with Samantha at Victoria's Secret was unexpected, but it gave her the opportunity to explore the girl one last time. When Sam was fitted with her first pair of Obedience by Victoria lingerie, she sent the dazed girl on her way with a new set of orders tailored special for Brad. It wasn't as hard for Lacey to leave Sam this time, because she had new slaves to turn her attention to play with. When Lacey was done manipulating her professors into fixing her grades, she left them in peace. But it never hurts to have someone in your back pocket, so she returned to Charlotte Blake's office with a more permanent solution. Lacey caught the English professor just as she was about to leave for the night.
"Lacey," Charlotte said as she looked over the pink Victoria's Secret branded box in Lacey's hands. "It's not appropriate for students to give professors gifts in any form but this is...this is certainly unusual." Charlotte had heard of some of the things that her peers did with their students and she certainly held herself to a higher standard with that. "I've always thought highly of you Lacey, but this...I can't accept it." Charlotte tried to maneuver past Lacey now, but the girl stood firmly in the doorway. "I think you will," Lacey smiled. "It's impolite to refuse a gift." Charlotte was growing tired of this dance. "And it's improper to bribe a professor. Now move, Miss Stafford, or I'll have to call campus police." "You think this is a bribe, Professor Blake? I think we're beyond bribes. Do you need to see the necklace again?" "Necklace? What in god's name are you...tal-talking about..." Charlotte stuttered as Lacey removed the small pendant from her neckline and dangled it before Charlotte's face. Her eyelids drooped, her mouth hung open as she tried to form more words. All she could manage was a nearly silent, "Mistress..."
"That's right," Lacey nodded. "'Mistress.' Now, why don't you change into something a little more comfortable?" She nudged the box in Charlotte's direction. "Hypnotism gets me so far but I need you to be a little more...cognitive." "Yes, Mistress Lacey," Charlotte moaned as she took the box from her mistress' hands.
"I think I prefer you naked, but you look pretty great in lingerie too," Lacey admired her professor sitting before her in her Obedience by Victoria lingerie. "Thank you Mistress," Charlotte said with a needy pout. "You're an eager beaver, huh?" Lacey returned her slave's smile. "I have plenty planned for you, Professor Blake, but tonight I just want to have some fun." She bent down and pulled Charlotte into a deep, submissive kiss. Lacey moaned in approval, then she said, "You're going to be a good slave, Professor. Now let's see how good you are with that tongue."
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Lacey's Story: Part Seven
Originally published Mar 31, 2016 This series is being revised
"Can you hear me, Brad?" "Yes, Lacey." "I want you to repeat after me, do you understand?" "Yes, Lacey." "You are my master." "I am your master." "You love being my master." "I love being your master." "You are aroused by my obedience." "I am aroused by your obedience." "You will use me in any way you see fit." "I will use you in any way I see fit."
When Brad awoke he had a splitting headache and two beautiful girls on either side of him. It seemed like an even trade off. "Master," Samantha to his left whispered in his ear. "You're awake." "What..." Brad blinked. "What's going on?"
On Brad's right was Lacey, cuddled close, her hand floating dangerously close to his underpants. "You were hit pretty hard, Master," Lacey told him. "Samantha had an intruder," this little lie didn't go unnoticed by Sam, whose eyes widened at the thought of lying to her master, but her conditioning put her beneath Lacey as well. "We were waiting for you here, like you ordered," Lacey continued, and Brad nodded along as he pieced the story together. "And the man broke in...we were so scared, Brad. But then you showed up and scared him off, of course not before you took that awful bump to the head. Master is our hero, isn't he Sammy?" "Yes," Sam replied on instinct. "Our master in shining armor."
There was a nagging feeling in the back of Brad's mind that something was wrong. Vague memories from the night before still lingered. He remembered taking the hit, but nothing about ordering them to wait for him, or encountering an intruder. But now Lacey's hand had found its way into his underwear and the only thing he cared about now was fucking his slaves before class. "That's right," he said to Sam. "I would do anything for my girls." "I would do anything for you," Lacey said, and when Brad turned to face her he saw that she had taken off her bra. "If you command it." This was right. It had to be right, Brad thought as his head sank down to rest on Lacey's bosom. "Master," Sam whined. "Don't worry, Samantha," he reassured her. "I want you as soon as I'm done with Lacey."
Lacey dismissed Sam to prepare their master's breakfast, but there was an obvious uncertainty as she left the room. Sam's brainwashing was beginning to wear off, a fact that Lacey hadn't missed. She was conditioned to follow all orders by Lacey and Brad without question or protest. The fact that Sam had even spoken up was cause for worry. Lacey knew that she would have to find a more permanent solution, but for now she preoccupied with Brad's dick. Professor Lange had been dead for three days. It had been four since she'd last been ordered to cum, and in slave time that was like, six months. Lacey needed this more than anything.
Brad was confident when he entered her. As Lacey had suspected he was more gentle, even when he'd been brainwashed to love dominance Brad was still kind, thoughtful. "Oh master," She moaned as she rode on top of him. "Oh Master, yes, yes, like that, Master, please!" Soon she was begging him. "Please, Master! Please! Please let me cum! I need to cum!" "O-okay," Brad stuttered. He wanted to please his slave, he wanted Lacey to cum, but the sex felt empty. Not at all like the pleasure Sam would give him. "Cum," he said, trying to sound more confident. "Cum for me, slave." "Yes! Yes!" Lacey cried, "Here it comes! Finally, my god, here it cums!"
But Lacey felt nothing.
"Lacey, I...I can't," Brad finally said. "Do you not like me?" She asked. "No, Lacey," he replied. "It's just...I don't know. Something about it feels wrong." "You ordered me to cum and I still couldn't," she frowned. "You're so hot," he observed as his erection flatlined. "But I think I'm...in love with Sam."
As Lacey left the bedroom, she had accepted her fate: a slave with no master. A life without pleasure. She found Sam in the kitchen stacking pancakes onto a plate and Lacey mumbled to her, with tears in her eyes, "He's all yours, Sammie."
Sam looked Lacey with those adoring eyes and asked, "What do you mean, Mistress? What's wrong?" "He's not the one," Lacey cried. "He'll never be the one. My only master is dead and I'll never find another." "Of course not," Sam replied so matter of fact that it left Lacey stunned. Sam had begun to climb out of her haze, and though she still felt the lasting effects of devotion to her Mistress, she was beginning to think more rational. She even seemed aware of Lacey's surprise, because she quickly added, "You're not a slave." "Excuse me?" That was an insult to Lacey who had been so devoted to Professor Lange. "Mistress," Sam gave her a sweet, disarming smile. "You took me and made me your loyal servant. No one made you do that, you just did it. Because you wanted to. Then you captured Master and you made him into what you wanted him to be. We're powerless to fight you, Lacey. I never knew that obedience would feel so..." "Fulfilling..." Samantha's smile grew. "Yes, Mistress. You showed me the submissive slut that I truly am. But that's not who you are. You don't need a master to make you feel pleasure, you need a slave to give you pleasure."
For a mindless slave, Samantha had a lot to say. Lacey had been so consumed with finding a new master that she had forgotten who she really was. Professor Lange had given her Obedience by Victoria because he couldn't control her. She had played him to the very moment she tried on the lingerie. Even as a slave, Lacey's more dominant side would fight, and now that Dr. Lange was dead there was no one to control her. Every repressed urge was breaking through, and it had led to this: enslaving her old friend's girlfriend, brainwashing him to be her master. It was hard for Lacey to believe, but Sam was making a lot of sense.
Lacey knew that she didn't have much time left with Sam, so she ordered the girl to serve Brad in bed, and to return to her in the living room. When Sam returned from the bedroom, she found Lacey waiting for her in her chair. She was completely naked. Lacey spread her legs and said, "Make me cum, slave." "Yes, Mistress Lacey," Samantha moaned, and she crawled across the floor to her mistress' lap.
Before Lacey left, she gave Samantha and Brad one last round of brainwashing. They would remember nothing except a few vague memories of partying, drinking, and sex. They would not remember their time as Lacey's slaves, they wouldn't even remember that Lacey had ever been there.
Lacey had grown fond of Sam and she wished that she could have Sam as her own, but she knew that Brad was happy. She had taken enough happiness from Brad in the past. He deserved Sam. Anyway, Lacey had more to worry about than silly attachments now that she was thinking clearly again. Lacey had three months worth of damage to her GPA to repair, but she had a few ideas of how to fix that.
"After that I left," Lacey explained to Professor Blake. She had chosen to deal with her GPA situation honestly, meeting with all of her instructors to explain everything that had happened. Was it embarrassing? Sure. But she was a victim! As a woman, she knew that Charlotte would understand that. It wasn't like Professor Blake really had a choice anyway. Lacey smiled as she admired her teacher across the desk, her eyes wide and empty, mouth hanging open in a state of mindless ignorance. It was a face that made Lacey so wet. With a snide grin she slid her necklace back over head and thought I'm getting good at this. "So do you understand, professor?" she asked. "Your colleague took advantage of me. I know I've been bad this semester, but I had no control of my grades, would you agree?" "Yes, Miss Stafford," Professor Blake moaned. "I will change your grades immediately." "Good," Lacey continued to smile. "But you don't have to call me Miss Stafford, Charlotte. You can call me mistress."
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Lacey's Story Part 6
Originally published Feb 5, 2016 This series is being revised
Brad sprinted up the stairs, tripping over himself as he took the steps two at a time. Sam had been alone in the apartment with Lacey long enough. Brad couldn't dare to imagine what Lacey was doing with her girlfriend. Her last words still repeated through his head: "I've been teaching her how to be a good slave." What did that mean?
At Sam's door, Brad took a moment to compose himself. He knew that Lacey had done something, but she had also deluded herself into thinking he was her new master, so she would at least take orders from him if he gave them. But he had to be calm, he had to be commanding. Taking slow breaths, he reached for the knob, but before he could turn it the door slowly creaked open. Sam stood on the other side. She was naked.
"Sam, oh my God!" Brad reached out to push Sam back into her room before her neighbors spotted her. She reached out too, draping her arms around his shoulders and placing kisses around his mouth. He hoisted the young woman up and carried her back into the apartment, slamming the door closed behind him. "Master!" Samantha cried, and Brad's heart sank when he heard that word. "Why won't you kiss me?" She shot her boyfriend a frown as he set her gently down on her living room chair. "Samantha," Brad said calmly. "I need you to focus for me. Where is Lacey?" "Don't you want to fuck me?" she pouted. "Lacey said..." "Forget what she said!" Brad shouted, paused, then said, "What did she say?" "Not said..." Sam slid down the chair, parting her legs wider for Brad to see her swelling pussy. "Commanded," she purred. "Alright," Brad slapped Sam's knee and her legs reflexively closed. He was seriously getting tired of dealing with brainwashed girls. "What did she command?" "To pleasure you," Brad could see Sam's eyes reddening as she threatened to cry. "She said...you need to claim me before I can call myself yours."
Brad's heart was breaking at the site of Samantha, the girl he loved, struggling in such a state. He blamed himself. If he hadn't told Sam, if he had even denied Lacey when she came to him, maybe everything would still be normal. In that moment he imagined a world where Sam never returned to normal. He imagined her like this, the same mess that Lacey had been earlier that morning, dripping in her own juices begging for release. He knew that she was in pain, and that he could offer her that release. Sam wasn't just an object of pleasure for Brad. She was his companion, his best friend.
"Sam," he said. "I'm sorry but..." "Master!" Sam cried. "Behind you!"
Brad turned around just in time to take a frying pan to the face.
There were distant voices but Brad couldn't quite make them out. He couldn't quite make anything out. Everything was black. His head was spinning. He tried to think. He tried to remember. But nothing would come. Only the voices, growing more clearer, clouding his mind. He could feel, but it was only pleasure. His cock was hard, and being tended to by an invisible mouth. Was it Sam's? No, he'd recognize Sam's lips on his erection. This was someone else's. Lacey? Brad would have fought, but the voices were a far more occupying thought. "Just give in." They told him. "Jut give in."
"I don't understand, Mistress Lacey," Sam frowned as Lacey wiped her mouth. "Why do you have Master Brad tied to the bed?" "I told you, Samantha, he needs proper conditioning, like when I met you!" "But...isn't he supposed to condition us?" Lacey smiled and shook her head, "Sam...you're trying to think again. Good slaves don't think, do they?" "I'm sorry, Mistress Lacey! I didn't mean anything I...I'll be good..." "It's okay, dear," Lacey laughed. "The truth is that Brad isn't as eager to play the role of master as I thought he would be." "He doesn't want us?" "Oh no, no, no, don't worry, dear. He'll come around. He just needs...a little push."
And when Brad finally broke, when he finally accepted his place as her master, the bra would work again. She could finally have her release. Lacey took a deep breath as she imagined the pleasure washing over her. It was almost enough to come...but she needed his command.
"Are you okay, Mistress?" Samantha asked. "I'm fine," Lacey smiled. "Oh look, he's getting hard again. Do you want him this time?"
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Lacey's Story: An Intermission
Originally published Jan 26, 2016 This series is being revised
Sometime Between the End of Part 4 and the Beginning of Part 5 "Just give in...just give in...just give in..."
The closing words of the video looped through Sam's head. How long had she been out? How long had she been staring at her laptop screen? How long had it been since the video ended? It was still fresh in her mind when a knock came at her door. Samantha was still too deep under to even hear the sound, the voices of the enthralled Victoria's Secret Angels the only thing she could hear right now. The video, masquerading as an ad for Victoria's Secret, was something like a recruitment trailer, giving free women a taste of Obedience. It wasn't a permanent trance but the brainwashing was deeper than your average Youtube "hypnotize yourself" video. When Samantha awoke, she would find her reservations toward Victoria's Secret slackening, maybe she'd even want to try a pair of the hypnotic lingerie.
The knocking stopped. The doorknob turned, but the visitor was denied by the lock. A few more seconds of silence, and then the sound of the window creaking open. No doubt a conscious Sam would be racing for her phone to call the cops, but she just remained there on her bed, stuck in trance, fingers still deep in her juices.
"Oh wow," Lacey laughed as she stepped into Sam's bedroom. She recognized that look on the girl's face. Lacey had seen that look a hundred times now, the same look she'd had staring at herself in the mirror the first time she tried on Dr. Lange's present, the first time she'd succumbed to Obedience. She wondered if this was Samantha's first time, or maybe it was a kind of guilty pleasure. "Someone's been having fun. Can you hear me?"
Sam didn't move. Her glassy eyes continued to stare at the still computer screen. But she quietly responded: "Yes." "Is this your first time in a trance, Sam?" "Yes." "Master never was very adventurous." "Master?" Sam finally showed signs of life, her head spinning to face Lacey. "Are you...my Master?" Lacey wanted to say no. She wanted to say yes too. "We belong to Brad," she answered. "But you can call me 'Mistress' when he isn't around." "Mistress..." "Lacey." "Mistress Lacey..." If Sam were around, she would be horrified to see herself calling Lacey her mistress. But this new submissive Sam was more than happy to surrender to her mistress. There was nothing worse than being a slave without a master. Lacey knew that all too well.
"Stand up." Lacey ordered. Still groggy, Sam shuffled to her feet. "Mmm," she admired the young woman before her. "You're even prettier than the pictures I saw on facebook," Lacey had done some stalking on Brad's laptop while he was away, that was how she'd found Sam's address. She really should turn her GPS off when messaging people. "Take off the robe." "Yes, Mistress," Sam moaned, her robe dropping down to the floor, revealing her curves. "Sexy underwear," Lacey continued to critique her new slave. "But you'd look much better wearing Obedience." The suggestion alone made Sam moan. Lacey laughed. "You like the thought of that, don't you? I've heard those videos are quite persuasive though I've never seen someone fall for that. You'd have to have a pretty weak will, wouldn't you?" "Yes, Mistress," Sam replied. "Tell me," Lacey began to unzip her pants as she spoke. "How you surrendered."
"I was researching for our Master. He wanted me to find a way to free you from the control of Obedience," Lacey's pants dropped to the floor, and now she was pulling her shirt over her head. "I stumbled on some videos of women going under. Submitting. I was frightened, but I was also aroused. The videos weren't helping, but I couldn't stop watching them. I wasn't watching them for research anymore." "And you wanted to be like them, didn't you?" Lacey asked. Stripped down to her underwear, she began to move toward Sam. "Yes."
Their bodies pressed against each other. Lips inches apart.
"I wanted to feel what it was like to surrender like the other girls," Sam finished. "And how does it feel?" Lacey asked. "It feels..."
Sam was cut off by her phone's ringtone. It was Brad.
Lacey stared at Sam as the phone continued to ring. She smiled, then answered.
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Lacey's Story Part 5
Originally published Oct 16, 2015 This series is being revised
Brad dashed out of his apartment and down the stares into the parking lot, fumbling for a moment with his keys to unlock his car. Sam's apartment was a fifteen minute drive, but that was an eternity considering Brad didn't have any time left. Lacey's mind had been warped from months as Dr. Lange's slave, and there was no telling what kind of devious things she was planning on teaching his girlfriend. Brad hadn't slept in over a day, but it was his thoughts of Samantha that kept him going now. He jammed his key into the ignition and stepped on the gas.
One Hour Earlier Samantha was tired. She hadn't been deprived of sleep like Brad, but her emotions had ridden a roller coaster today. It had taken Brad months to get over Lacey. She remembered how much effort it took just to keep himself from texting her. Their relationship had been settling into a nice place, but now Lacey had walked back into Brad's life, back into Sam's life, and things were going to be more complicated than ever. Why couldn't she just leave Lacey the way she was? "She doesn't deserve it," Sam said to herself on the way home. Sometimes she talked to herself, it was weird.
"Of course she deserves it," "No...I only think she does because of everything she's put Brad through. Not even that, what I've been through. Brad wouldn't even update his relationship status because he was scared of her seeing it...but that's no reason for someone to be...enslaved." "But it would be so nice...to see her like that, god, so humiliating..." Sam bit her lip as she imagined having a mindless Lacey around, but she quickly shook that away. "No. It's wrong. No one deserves that kind of treatment. She's a human being, she's a human being."
Samantha kept repeating that to herself. "She's a human being." She had promised Brad to research Obedience by Victoria when she got home, but all Sam wanted was to curl up in her bed and cry.
When Sam got home she sent Brad a text about taking a shower, carefully choreographing a snap to remind Brad that he had a girlfriend who loved him without being brainwashed. She was topless in the photo, though one of her nipples was offscreen and the other covered by her free hand. Samantha could be a tease like that, never showing the whole package, withholding enough to keep Brad wanting more. All he had to do was come and get it.
After her shower, Sam settled into bed with her laptop and started her research. She began with Youtube videos of girls testing the product, then stumbled upon an article about Santiago Cruz, one of the first opponents of Obedience, but now one of its strongest supporters. Victoria's Secret hadn't been very transparent about that one. Nothing Sam found really answered her questions. Even the user manual which she had pulled up in a PDF was useless. Victoria's Secret made it sound as simple as taking off the lingerie, but women who did experienced strong withdrawals.
"They're so empty," she said while watching one of the videos. "Who would want to go back to that? Burdened by decision, it's easier when someone else can make your choices for you...no wonder Lacey is so desperate for a master, she can't bear returning to rational thought. Hell, it was rational thought that got her here in the first place."
Samantha hadn't realized, but her hand had found its way up to her breast, the other slipping into her panties finding the moisture of her sex. How long had she been playing with herself? Somehow she had lost time--the video she had been transfixed on, one of a young woman reluctantly trying on a pair of Obedience for her boyfriend, only to sink deep under the stimulation of the bra, wasn't playing anymore. Instead, she was watching a sort of promotional video featuring the Victoria's Secret Angels sharing their experiences with the lingerie. Between segments, the video would cut away to bright flashes, assaulting Samantha's eyes. She tried to close them, but when she did she saw the girls in the other videos, all trying on the lingerie. She saw their faces as they melted into bliss and she envied them.
"No," Samantha said. She wanted to stop the video, but her hands were too busy working on her sexy parts to listen. "I've got to stop...I've got to...oh!" She let out a soft cry as the wave washed over her, sending her head back. "So good though...feels so good..." "No, I can fight it...I can figh...I can f..."
"So do you see now?" Adriana Lima was asking on the video. Candice Swanepoel followed her: "This is what it feels like." "Every day," Alessandro Ambrosio smiled. "To surrender." All three finished together, "Just give in."
Samantha's mouth hung open, her eyes as empty as the brainwashed models in the video. "Just...give in..." she whispered.
That was how Lacey found her, slumped over in front of her computer, mind empty, her hands still in her panties though Samantha hadn't moved since the end of the video. There was no telling how long she had been like that, but the way the drool on her chin and breasts had crusted over, Lacey figured it had been a while.
Samantha had totally given in, and she was waiting for someone's orders.
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Lacey's Story Part 3
Originally published Sep 24, 2015 This chapter has been revised
"Lacey," Brad protested as the young woman backed him against his bedroom wall. Lacey wasn't very big, but he didn't want to get forceful with the girl he'd once loved. Instead, he tried to reason. "I don't know what..."
"Shh," Lacey interrupted, pulling her body in closer so that her breasts rested against Brad's chest. She lifted her leg up toward his waist and waited for him to do his end of the job--this was usually where Dr. Lange would pull her up so that she could properly straddle him. She'd never made love to Brad like this, but she figured it would be instinctual for him. But Brad didn't seem to get it. His hands were outstretched, as if he were trying to keep his touch as far from her body as he could. Lacey frowned, grabbed his hand, and guided it to her breast. She closed her eyes in anticipation.
Brad took a deep breath as he lazily fondled Lacey's breast, tracing the outline of her nipple with his thumb like an archaeologist examining a long buried fossil. This was all too sudden for him, especially after everything they had been through. His relationship with Lacey had been full of compromises. First he had to accept that they were never going to be anything more than friends, even after their sexual misadventures, but ultimately he had to accept that he would never see Lacey again. That was Brad's choice, unable to bear the sight of Lacey romancing her professor. It had hurt Lacey more than he ever would have imagined. Maybe if he had stuck around, maybe if he'd stayed to be her voice of reason, Lacey wouldn't have fallen so deep over her head.
"Lacey, I can't do this..." Brad frowned. "This is what you want," She replied. "It's what you've always wanted. And I want it too. I'm offering myself to you." "But I...I have a girlfriend, Lacey." A lot had changed in the months since he'd cut contact with his best friend. Though she was the only girl he'd ever wanted, Brad was finally moving on. He'd found someone else who didn't play with his emotions, who loved him as much as he loved her. There was always going to be a special place in his heart for Lacey, but he simply didn't need her anymore.
Lacey slowly backed away, a desperate sort of frown forming on her face. She collapsed down on Brad's bed and looked up at him with those big, glossy eyes. That was the first time he noticed something was off--as if the random sexual aggression wasn't a red enough flag. "That's okay," Lacey whispered, but her mind was clearly elsewhere. "Are you alright?" He asked. "You don't look...like you..." "You can have us both," Lacey perked up as if she had just made a major breakthrough. Brad could practically see the light bulb go off above her head. "What?" "You can have her, and you can have me. She'll be your girlfriend and I'll be your loyal servant. I'm offering myself to you. Completely." "Lacey, what's happened to you."
"Oh, it's wonderful, Brad." Lacey smiled. "Dr. Lange gave it to me. He gave it to me so that I knew who I belonged to..." "He's brainwashed you, Lacey..." "Yes!" Lacey moaned, her hand sliding beneath her underwear as she recalled the things Dr. Lange had done to her, only this time she was imagining Brad in his place. "He used me, Brad. He made me do things that I wouldn't do before, and I loved every second of it. I was rewarded with every order I followed. He told me when to cum, and I would obey, and the pleasure would be even greater because I was following his command. I need it, Brad, I need to feel that pleasure again! I can't go on without a master! I won't go back to the way I was, it was so...so exhausting, Brad! Please, please take me! Make me your slave, Brad! I need it! I need it so badly!"
Lacey was thrashing wildly on the bed now, arching her back as she tried to force an orgasm, but it wasn't coming. Not without Brad's command. She was begging him now, begging Brad to let her cum. He watched in horror at the sight of the woman he had once so much respected for her strong will. He could feel the guilt rising inside, the second guessing. Brad knew he should have never abandoned her. "O-okay," he stammered. He wasn't going to take Lacey in as his slave, but he wasn't going to leave her there in her misery. "Go ahead. Go ahead and...and cum for me."
Lacey screamed so loud that Brad feared she'd wake the neighbors. "So good..." she whispered. "So, so good..."
Brad told Lacey to put her shirt back on and get some rest. He left her in his bedroom, and spent the rest of the evening sleepless, pacing about his small apartment. What was he going to do now? How was Brad going to explain to his girlfriend Samantha why his old crush was in his bedroom, orgasming on command?
Soon the sun was up, and Brad had to get to class. He ordered Lacey to stay in the apartment. Samantha had classes until the evening, which gave him plenty of time to catch up with her on campus before she dropped by his apartment for an unpleasant surprise. It wasn't ideal keeping Lacey locked up in his apartment all day, but she would still be there when he got home from work that night, and hopefully by then he'd have come up with a way to help her.
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Lacey's Story Part 2
Originally published Jun 9, 2015 This chapter has been revised
Dr. Lange was dead, and he'd left Lacey behind. She had been his slave for three months, she'd accepted new truths for him, done things that she never would have if he hadn't asked her to. She was madly in love with him, madly in love with the desire to serve him. It was a weird feeling for Lacey, knowing that her entire existence was meaningless now. The old Lacey might have accepted this with celebration; if she had known what Dr. Lange was going to do to her, going to turn her into, she might have never gotten herself into this mess. But that was the nature of the young woman, always thinking she was a step ahead of everyone else. She thought she had Lange on a leash up until the very moment that she tried on that pair of lingerie for him. She had once wanted to be so much, but now she just wanted to be his pet.
It had been two days since the professor died, and Lacey hadn't left his home. She wanted to be close to him, she could still smell him on the sheets. She laid there for hours on the bed, her nose buried in his sweaty pillow, sobbing. Was it going to be like this forever? Was she going to spend the rest of her life alone without a man to call her master? She wasn't even sure if it was Dr. Lange she was upset about, or the fact that she had no one around to order her. There was no greater feeling than the stimulation the bra sent through her nipples and her vagina when she obeyed a command. It was an addictive feeling, made her yearn for more orders, more orders meant more pleasure. She had tried masturbating, but it was nothing compared to the jolt of pleasure the lingerie fulfilled, and Dr. Lange had conditioned her only to orgasm on command. "Please," Lacey begged, stroking herself with hopeless optimism. "Please, Professor, please let me cum..." The professor didn't answer. Lacey didn't cum.
After a disappointing shower, Lacey slipped on her panties and picked up her bra. Returning to the mindless shackles of Obedience by Victoria was the only pleasure she could feel now. Her head felt so clogged up when she wasn't wearing the lingerie. But the joys of being a mindless shell hardly seemed to matter without a master to issue commands. Reading the tag on her bra, Lacey found that she wasn't completely out of ideas.
"Victoria's Secret customer service, my name is Charlie, how may I direct your call?" "Master?" Lacey asked. "Uhh..." The man on the other line stalled. "I need to cum," she began to beg. "The Professor is gone and I cannot cum without him, please, you have to help me, I'm so lost without my Master Professor..." "Uhh...I'll just...I'll direct you to the Obedience line..."
Lacey was connected with another customer service representative specializing in the Obedience line. Her name was Abbey. Unlike Charlie, Abbey had been fitted with her own Obedience by Victoria set. She was conditioned to receive stimulation from the lingerie every time she successfully resolved a customer's issue. It made Abbey a surprisingly productive worker. "Alright, Lacey," when Abbey spoke, Lacey could hear her smile on the other end of the phone. It was a familiar sort of blind happiness that she envied now. "I've found you in our system. Stafford, Lacey, for initiated thirteen weeks ago, does that sound right?" "Yes," Lacey moaned, recalling that evening in front of the mirror, Dr. Lange's hands massaging her breasts as she fell deeper under the lingerie's spell. Her free hand had fount its way to her breast as she imaged Lange's touch. On the other end of the line, she heard an unexpected whine from Abbey who was anticipating her reward. "But you say you're handler is deceased?" "Yes," Lacey's hand dropped back down to the bed as Abbey's voice pulled her back from her daydream. "Unfortunately Victoria's Secret has no protocol for this sort of incident. I recommend removing the lingerie immediately and returning to every day operation." "But...I can't do that. Obedience is my life, it is the only thing I know."
Abbey frowned. She understood that feeling—she felt it every day when she left work. "I guess," she paused. "Well, I guess if you found a new handler, you could continue receiving pleasure from the Obedience line as you did under your previous handler's power." "Would...would that work?" "I don't see why not." "I just need to find a new handler..." Lacey repeated. "I think I can do that." "Lacey," Abbey said. "Did you find this call helpful?" "Very," Lacey smiled. "You've given a slave hope again!"
Abbey's nipples were beginning to harden under the fabric of her bra, and the juices from her pussy told her that she had done a good job. "W-we don't s-say slave," even while cumming she maintained enough professionalism to correct Lacey. "The preferred nomenclature is user or s-subject or..." Professionalism could only take Abbey so far. "Oh...oh my god...Oooohhhhh yeeessss..."
After her custom service call, Lacey felt like a whole new slave or user or subject or whatever she was supposed to call herself. Lacey was a clean slate, she could still feel the complete pleasure of obedience, but she was in the unique position of being able to select her own master. The old Lacey would have preferred being the one called mistress, but now that she understood the joy of being submissive, she couldn't wait to fall under her new master's orders. The only matter was who she was going to get to be her new master. She figured that many lonely men out there would do anything to have a cute young girl like theirs under her control, but there was one specific guy that came to her mind.
Brad had been Lacey's best friend in high school, her moral compass to guide her out of the wicked waters she was prone to stray into. In high school he had confessed his feelings for her, and it was with Brad that she lost her virginity, though Lacey had always preferred seeing it as taking Brad's virginity. They remained friends in college, but Lacey's ambition stunted any hopes that Brad had of a future with her. He had long accepted his position as her friend, but he cared about her too much to let her go. When Lacey told Brad about her plan to seduce Dr. Lange, he tried to talk her out of it, just as he had a thousand other terrible things in the past. But Lacey had never been this desperate. Brad couldn't watch his best friend whore herself for good grades, it was the final straw.
Looking back on all of it, now that Lacey had forgotten her political ambitions, now that all Lacey cared about was submission, Brad was the only person she really wanted in control of her. She never said it, not even to herself, but she loved Brad. He was the ultimate good guy, the only person who never expected anything from her. He deserved a good slave like Lacey.
It was late in the evening when Brad returned to his apartment from work. A long day of taking orders and carrying large trays of food, busing tables, being yelled at by customers who were incensed that the restaurant supported Coke beverages instead of Pepsi, had left Brad exhausted beyond belief. He couldn't wait for the day when he graduated, and he could finally get away from all this college life bullshit. Brad's eyes were half closed as he slid into his bed, and he was nearly asleep when he felt the warmth of Lacey's breasts as she curled up next to him. For a moment he smiled and pulled her close, but when Lacey placed a kiss on Brad's cheek, his eyes sprung up and he leaped out of bed.
With the lights on, he saw clearly his former best friend lying half naked on his bed. "Hey, Brad," she giggled. "Come back to bed, baby."
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Lacey's Story Part 1
Originally published Aug 23, 2014 This chapter has been revised
“Oh gosh, oh gosh...ohh...” Lacey moaned. The only thing occupying her largely vacant mind was her desire to please her master, Dr. Lange. Pleasing Dr. Lange meant following his every command, and right now she was under Dr. Lange’s orders to fuck him with everything her young body could offer. Lacey was well trained and didn’t have to be ordered twice. She was already undressed by the time Dr. Lange had given the order, and as soon as it was issued she dropped the man on the bed and pounced, taking the top as she always did. Lacey knew that Dr. Lange liked the bottom, so she preferred the top.
It hadn’t always been this way. It took Dr. Lange weeks to shape Lacey into the happy, submissive pet she was today. Their affair had started months earlier, and Lacey would be the first to admit that she’d been the seducer. She was a young undergraduate with large aspirations. She dreamed of holding office somewhere, the House or the Senate, maybe even the presidency one day. She wanted to travel the world, to see the lights of Paris, float down the flooded streets of Venice, witness a bar fight in Glasgow. All of this depended on college, and that’s where Dr. Lange comes in. Dr. Lange had garnered a reputation as one of the strictest professors at Carpenter State University. He was a professor of economics, and didn’t take Lacey long to regret signing up for his class. She struggled the first couple of weeks in Lange’s class, and when tutoring offered no immediate results, she decided that something had to be done before her GPA took a hit.
Now, this is usually where most students would give up, accept the B and move on. But Lacey wasn’t most students. She’d never been particularly sexual; she’d lost her virginity late in high school but hadn’t been with anyone else, always too focused on her education in college to be social. But sleeping with Dr. Lange wasn’t social for Lacey. It was the difference between a B- and an A. Lacey had played up her innocence, doing this whole bubbly schoolgirl routine to reel Lange in. She’d even told him that it was her first time. He believed it because he wanted to.
It was all working out for Lacey. Her grades weren’t just stabilizing, she was getting perfect marks for zero work. All she had to do was fuck her professor every other weekend and listen to him cry for a couple of hours. Lacey figured that she wasn’t Lange’s first student, and she was probably right, but Lange was starting to cherish her. She had a youthfulness that the middle-aged Lange felt inside himself any time they’d make love. He mistook this feeling for love, and had even started buying Lacey gifts. Lacey could see the way Dr. Lange was falling for her, and she was starting to feel guilty. It was only a week before the end of the semester when Dr. Lange gave Lacey the underwear. She had planned to break it off after she was done with his class, Dr. Lange’s gift changed everything.
You might have heard of Obedience by Victoria. It was Victoria’s Secret’s newest line of lingerie, which promised to add a whole new dimension to a couple’s sex life. When Lacey first tried on the brazier, she was shocked by how comfortable the fabric was. She’d always found Victoria’s Secret’s bras uncomfortable, but Obedience was like wearing nothing at all. So soft, so tingly...so...
Lacey stood there in front of her mirror, eyes vacant, mind blank. Her head slumped to the side. She made no effort to stand up straight.
“Wow,” Dr. Lange gushed as he joined Lacey in the mirror behind her. “You look amazing.” Lacey didn’t reply, but she felt euphoric as he ran his hand over her stomach. She released an involuntary sigh of pleasure. “How does it feel?”
“Sooooo goooodd...” Lacey replied.
“You love me, don’t you? You want to stay with me forever?” Dr. Lange asked, slipping his hand beneath the fabric of her bra.
Lacey squirmed, and for a second she had total clarity. She knew that Dr. Lange was doing something to her head, that she was being brainwashed somehow. She wanted to end it, to fight the bra’s control. She even started to mouth the word ‘no,’ but his touch felt so good, and she didn’t want to give it up. Not yet. She’d been sleeping with this man for the better part of the semester now, and she’d faked every orgasm, but now just the way he was twisting her nipples got her so excited.
“N...n...Yes...Yes! I love you! I love you, master! I want to be with you forever, master! I...I want to obey you.”
The man smiled and kissed her on the neck. “You don’t have to call me master. Professor is fine.”
“Yes, professor,” she replied, her voice absent of any emotion—unless you consider obedience an emotion. “I will obey you.”
Three months later, and Lacey’s mind and personality had been erased. She’d been molded into the bubbly schoolgirl that Dr. Lange had fallen for in the first place. She no longer cared about her education, she no longer wished to travel, no longer dreamed of congress. Lacey’s single ambition was to please Dr. Lange.
“Ugggh,”Lange grunted as Lacey grinded on top of him. His sweaty hands slipped as he tried to maintain a grip on her waist.
“Oh, Professior,” Lacey continued to moan as she looked down at him with her distant but sensual eyes. “Do you like this? Does it please you?”
“Y-yes,” he stammered in reply.
“Ohhhhh!” she thrust her head back in ecstasy. Lacey was so conditioned to the act of sex now that she could no longer reach orgasm, only pleasing her master could do that for her. She squeezed her breasts as she started riding him harder.
“La-Lacey,” Dr. Lange coughed. “Lacey!”
“Yes, Professor?”
“Stop, stop,” Dr. Lange’s breaths were heavy as he dropped her over onto her side of the bed. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to force deep, heavy breaths from his chest.
“Jeeze, Professor,” Lacey frowned. “You’ve really gotta get to the gym more, you’re a regular Pudgy Pete!” she giggled at that joke. Lange didn’t reply. “Professor?” she poked him once in the armpit. She could still hear the pained breaths coming from the man’s mouth, but he wasn’t moving, his whole body was drenched in sweat. “Professor?!” Lacey shook him now, nearly tossed him off the bed. “Oh gosh, oh golly,” she cried, clapping her hand to her mouth. She rushed from the bed and collected her phone from the back pocket of her pants, left haphazardly on the bathroom floor. “I need an ambulance,” she cried. “It’s my...it’s my...” Professor? Master? What should she call him? “He’s having a heart attack! He won’t move, please, please...I can’t lose him...please!”
For three months Lacey had been under Dr. Lange’s control. Three months in serene, mindless bliss. And as the paramedics rushed the old man out of their hotel room, Lacey was left behind. The young woman was still trying to process it all as the door closed and she was left there in silence. A doll with no master.
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The main purpose of this blog
Is to document the small part of the online sexy mind control community that I can.
Creators have always come and gone from this space, and I've cut and rewritten so much of my stuff that it's tough to find any of it in its original form. I think there's value to saving art, even if it's shitty hypnomanip art.
Therefore, this is simply meant to be an archive for my work. Commentary, when I want to add it, will be included on reposts to my main blog.
I've lost a lot of the original text to these stories to revisions over the years. Since this blog is intended to preserve my work at its worst, I'll use the oldest possible text that I can find. I may post revised versions later.
I exclusively write original characters now, but some of my older stories featured celebrities as characters. I'm not proud of that stuff, but it was the style at the time.
My Tags
All story tags have "subliminalbo's" in front - subliminalbo's alphas: Alphas - subliminalbo's assimilation: Assimilation - subliminalbo's obf: Obedience by Fleur - subliminalbo's fdl: Fleur-de-lis - subliminalbo's ls: Lacey's Story - subliminalbo's cs: Corbin's Story - subliminalbo's nt: New Thralls - subliminalbo's os: One Shots, Oddities, and Misc. - subliminalbo's mcc: A Mind Controlled Christmas
#thedude11111: Early stuff. thedude11111 was my handle for the first five years of my mind control story writing career.
#subliminalbo: The current era. New handle, less bad.
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